Colt – How SD WAN is changing networking and where it’s heading next
SD WAN has already come a long way in the few short years since it appeared on the market – and it’s not standing still. 2021 looks likely to see SD WAN become more deeply integrated with public cloud services as enterprises continue to pursue multi-cloud strategies, hungry for solutions that enable that without headaches. We will see makers of SD WAN solutions and providers of managed SD WAN services continue to work with the big public cloud platforms with the goal of ensuring that traffic destined for the cloud gets there faster, as well as working at improving management, performance, security and reducing the latency that is so harmful to cloud workloads. […]
Colt – The definitive guide to NetOps
NetOps encompasses the people, skills and technology deployed to deliver networking, based on the demands of applications and users. One of the main benefits is that companies can overcome traditional barriers that have existed between network, operational and data teams. Helping to modernise networks and bringing more flexibility to automation and provisioning, it’s an important area that shouldn’t be overlooked. […]
Initially launched as a form of optimising traffic across MPLS and IP-based connectivity, SD WAN has assumed a rapid pace of evolution. Its swift evolution is being driven not just by the growth of cloud and need for secure access at a fast-changing network edge, but by the continual change in enterprise network architectures. The result is SD WAN 2.0, or next-generation SD WAN. These offerings go well above and beyond the basic capabilities of the initial software overlay service, to meet the increasing demands of the enterprise market. […]
AAA Command Center
Managing the vast and dynamic information about your telecom, Cloud and IT infrastructure services is a never-ending challenge. Spreadsheet solutions, aside from being highly manual, are inefficient, time consuming and fundamentally limited in what they can do. That’s why AAA is developing Command Center with a partner. Command Center is the next generation of our proprietary software platform specifically designed for management and visibility of, as well as archiving and reporting on, all of your technology data. […]
Interxion – Cloud Trends 2021
Im Jahr 2018 befragte Research in Action im Auftrag von Interxion Unternehmen zu ihrer Cloud-Strategie. Die Ergebnisse waren komplex, zeigten dabei einen eindeutigen Trend: Unternehmen planen, ihre IT weg von eigenen Rechenzentren und monolithischen Clouds hin zu Colocation- und hybriden Multi-Cloud-Modellen zu bewegen. […]
Strategische Kooperation SBC – AAA
Die SB Capacity GmbH (SBC) und AAA Sales & Management GmbH (AAA), ein Beratungsunternehmen mit Fokus auf Telekomprojekte für internationale Unternehmen, vereinbaren eine strategische Zusammenarbeit für die Internationalisierung des digitalen Marktplatzes von Telekom-Diensten. SBC betreibt einen digitalen Marktplatz für Ein- und Verkäufer verschiedenster Telekommunikationsunternehmen. Anbieter von freien Netzkapazitäten und Telecom-Services können so Einkäufern fehlende Netzelemente und Dienste vollelektronisch anbieten und Deals abschliessen. […]
Verizon – Getting your Enterprise ready
Clearly, digital transformation doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and enterprises who undertake it should not have to go it alone. The work demands the expertise and objectivity of a nimble partner — one who can make a quick, pragmatic assessment of the landscape, apply solutions and, critically, stay on board to see them through. This work requires data-derived intelligence and deep knowledge of multiple business verticals. Powerful applications must simplify processes, not complicate them. […]
Verizon – Der Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft – Strategien für die Geschäftswelt von morgen
Revolutionäre Geschäfts- und Arbeitsmodelle erfreuten sich schon vor der COVID-19- Krise einer wachsenden Beliebtheit. So war beispielsweise bereits 2019 zu beobachten, dass immer mehr Unternehmen künstliche Intelligenz und maschinelles Lernen nutzten1 und den Umstieg auf automatisierte Prozesse und mobiles Arbeiten vorantrieben. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht die vorliegende Studie, wie gut sich Unternehmen auf die Zukunft vorbereitet haben und wie ihre entsprechenden Bemühungen durch die aktu- elle Krise beeinflusst wurden. […]
Colt – Lessons from delivering voice communications in a pandemic
As we approach the end of a tumultuous year, it’s clear that working from home is here to stay. While opinions are divided over how many people will want to stay remote when offices are back open, it’s clear that the shape of networks today is very different to how we predicted them at the start of the year. We all knew that flexible working was more than just a trend, but nobody could have predicted the changes in 2020. Now, as businesses look at how to connect their 2021 workforce, decisions need to be made about how to make this work for everyone in the long-run. Evaluating your needs, the tools required and the network that connects them all should be top of the priority list. [...]