In the dynamic world of video game development, timely delivery and efficient collaboration are paramount. Ubisoft, a leading video game company in France, faced challenges with managing multiple local connectivity providers, which led to unreliable bandwidth and increased administrative overhead. To streamline their connectivity and enhance collaboration between regional studios and their central data center in Paris, Ubisoft turned to Colt’s Wave solution.

Challenges Faced by Ubisoft: Ubisoft needed a centralized procurement strategy to manage connectivity and ensure smooth data exchange between its regional studios and the central data center. The reliance on multiple local providers resulted in slow and unreliable bandwidth, jeopardizing project timelines and increasing contract management complexity.

Colt’s Wave Solution: Colt’s Wave solution provided Ubisoft with a high-bandwidth, secure, and reliable service, connecting four regional studios to the Paris data center. This centralization facilitated:

  • High-speed connectivity: Two point-to-point 10Gbps Waves at each studio ensured robust connectivity.
  • Active/active configuration: Guaranteed 20Gbps of bandwidth, removing single points of failure.
  • Secure service: Protected intellectual property and pre-release game content.
  • Scalability: Allowed for efficient testing of games in the cloud.

Benefits Realized: With Colt’s Wave services, Ubisoft significantly improved its game development process by:

  • Enhancing collaboration between regional studios and the central data center.
  • Ensuring on-time delivery of new video games.
  • Protecting intellectual property and managing peak development times efficiently.

Conclusion: The partnership between Colt and Ubisoft demonstrates the transformative impact of reliable and secure network solutions in the gaming industry. Colt’s Wave solution not only met Ubisoft’s immediate needs but also positioned the company for future growth and innovation in game development.

For more insights on how Colt’s Wave solution can benefit your business, read the full case study here.